Перечень фамилий колонии Шукк, мигрировавших в Канаду
(Taken from "Pralrie Legacy" a history of the Grossverder district in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada,)
1. Thadeus Baumgartner married Katherine Hochnadel.
2. John Henry Sieben married Marie Anna Schell (first wife) Katherine KJobberdanz (2nd wife)
3. Peter Sieben (soti of John Henry) married Katherine Stadelmann
(daughter of John Peter Stadelmann and BLatherine Sehe etile)
4. John Schroh
5. John Peter Klobberdanz married Marianus Schamber (On October 20, 1902 In the Village of Schuck)
6. Henry Klobberdanz, (brother of John)
7. Lawrence Kohlman \Emmanuel Sieben married Gertrude Schachtel (daughter of Jacob and Christina .Schechtel)
9. Joseph Schachter (emmigrated to Argentina, South America)
10. Jacob and Anna Margaret Kammerer
11. Alexander Lauman
12. Alexander August Rollheiser
Peter and Jacob Rollheiser (these are brothers)
Salomiina Rollheiser (This is a sister)
John Peter Rollheiser (Father)
Conrad Rollheiser {Grandfather)
13. John Peter ßurgot (Burgardt, as we knew the.m in my hörne town-D.Mc) married Helen Hochnadel (six children were born in Ruv»ia - Marquis, Jim, Mollie» Anna, Helen and Rose)
14. Aloysius Burgot (Burgardt) and wife Anna Mary (parents uf John Peter)
15. John Feser married Salomlna Rollheiser (Im 1911, in Canada)
16. Peter Kohlman married Odelia Gaylinger
17. John H. Kohlman (son of Peter and Odella) married Marie Rollheiser
18. John Michael Kohlman
19. John Peter Kress married Katherine(?) (Children - OdeIia, Margaret, Solvena (died at age 3 yrs.) and Raymond)
20. William Krieger married Anna Kohlman. (lal vife. - died 1907) married Katherine Kohlman (2nd vife - widow of John Feser)
21. Anna Mary Krieger married John Miller
22. William Rollhelser married Magdeline Kohlman
23. Mrs. Barbara Kohlman
24. Mrs, Anna Maria Rolheiser
25. Jacob F. .Rolheiser, Alex, Peter, Salomina and Amalia children of John P. Rolheiser and Eleizabeth Conradi.
26. Alex Rowein
27. Peter Prediger
28. John Schechtel
29. John Peter Schechtel married Margaret(?)
30. Joseph Schechtel
31- Solomon Ceorge Schechtel married Anna Helen Burgot (Buvgardt)
32. Peter Sieben married Barbara Krieger
33. Emmanuel Sieben married Certrude Schachtel (daughter of Jacob and ChrIstIna)
34. Solorrton Sieben married Mary Feser
35. Jacob Zeiger
36. Julie (nee Kreiger) Friedrick, daughtor of William Kreiger and Anna Kohlmann was born in Schuck, on Sept. 28, 1905 and
37. Alphonae Kohlmau wa* born Schuck, Rnssla to Jacob nad Christina (Kress) Kohlman on Dec. 14, 1897.
38. John Michael Kollmari was born Feb. 16, 1838 in Schuck, Russia. He had one sister and two brothers, Joe and Jack, John married Margaret Kloster, daughter o£ Anton and Katberine 1 . Kloster (nee Shaab)
39. George Feser and Catherine Bileman were married in 1898 in Schuck, Saratov, Rusaia. In 1912 they ca,me to Caniada with 5 children, John, Pearl, George, Anton and Jacob (age 6 moat.h - died of liieasels In Liverpool, England)
40. John Feser, brother of George, came to Canada in 1907.
41. Jacob Kohlman, born in 1874 and wife Christina, born Jan. 13, 1874\
(Parents of Christina were John Kress and Catherine Feser) Children born in Schuck were'Alphonse, born Dec.14,1897, Adam, Jan. 24, 1900, and Katherine, born June 25, 1902. Jacob Kofrlnian was known as "Schulter Yuckel"
42. Constantine Schiebelbein, born in 1692 in Schuck, Russia.
fled Russia in 1913. Sent for his wife to be, Caroline Zeiger (born 1895) ti: 1914, also frora Schuck. Married in Akron, Ohio on Sept. 5, 1914.
43. Clemens Lauman, born Nov. 23, 1870 in Schuck, Russia. Married Catherine Melchoir. Ten children born in Russia, Constantine, Jacob, Clemens, Pauline, Llsabeth, Catherine, Margaret, Anna, Rapheal, and Mary (died in infancy)
44. Jacob Zieger, born in Schuck , Russia, Aug. 16, 1895. Married Catherine Koh.Lman (born Dec. 8, 188-4) on Nov 23, J902. Eciigrated to South American (ArgenLina) and then came to Canada in 1913.
* Nuinber 36 to 44 were taken i'rnm "From The Kill To Tlie iiurderM pu^lished by the Hearts Hill Hiatorical Sociecy, Luseland, Saskatchewan, Canada
45. Falkanatein - see "Cluea" 1982 editiori, Part 2, ppg. 2 5 and 27
46. Hörgenroter
47. Rol1hauser - William and Margaretha (age 35) (age 33)
From Schuck S.S. Kronprinz Wilhelm Depart Rrom. 29 Oct. 1912 Arrive Sew York 5 Nov. 1912
See "Clues 1982 Ret. Part 1 Page 87.
Источники: * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 *